Tre Olive Groves

Melia Collina


The trees in Melia Collina sit on a hilltop overlooking the valley below. The grove  is peaceful with views of the       surrounding hills & vineyards. In "olive tree terms" the trees in Melia Collina are young     (30-60 years old) and happily share the grove with a section of vineyard which produces some amazing wine!

If you adopt a tree from this grove you will first receive the Welcome Package in a beautiful box which contains:

  • Adoption Certificate
  • Photos of your tree
  • Three 500ml tins of extra virgin olive oil
  • Welcome Brochure

And then in the spring, you will receive an additional 3 tins of olive oil from your tree.
Olives from your tree will be pressed, along with neighboring trees (it's a family affair).